This blog was formerly dedicated in 2009 to my Dad who died of Alzheimer's in 2013. It's been three years now...and I find myself missing I am re-inventing my blog... because, after all, life is about moving through, and going forward...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Nature's gift of a new perspective...

My youngest brother just called to share his visit with Pops, as he calls Dad. Dad had just finished his lunch, but had no trouble woofing down the cheeseburger with a vanilla shake, my brother had brought him.

They went out into the courtyard, where my brother parked Dad's wheel chair facing east, while my brother sat on a bench in front of Dad and faced west. Dad looked up into the sky, making a scowl, commenting on the dark sky, telling his son it looked like rain...

The sky was bright blue with big white fluffy clouds facing west, in the direction my brother was looking, so he changed positions with Dad, turning his wheel chair to the west. "WOW! How did you do that?" Dad asked.

My brother laughed as he watched Dad's wide eyed, child-like expression as he scanned the blue skies above him. " I didn't do anything, Pops. That's God's glory you're lookin' at." Dad agreed, still looking upward in awe.

My brother laid down on the bench so they both could enjoy the same view. He said there is no need for words as they enjoyed the nice little breeze, along with the sights and sounds of nature. They looked up through the foliage of the two big trees in the courtyard, listening to the birds chirp as they flitted to the different branches. The contrast of the green trees against the blue sky was beautiful. Dad pointed out an orange peeking out from one of the orange trees leaves...

Dad asked why my brother didn't take him to church. My brother told him that he did not need to go to church to worship God. He could worship right there in the patio. " Pops, you're a believer, so you have a direct line to God, right where you are. God is always with you Pops, you know that."

He reminded Dad that fellowship was nice in church, but Dad has so many friends there at the nursing home and this is where God wants him to be. "Yes, yes, you're right", Dad smiled. Still shaking his head in agreement, Dad told him, how fortunate he was with so many blessings. My brother noticed a peaceful, calm spread over Dad, as if Pops had just been given the gift of a new perspective...

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