This blog was formerly dedicated in 2009 to my Dad who died of Alzheimer's in 2013. It's been three years now...and I find myself missing I am re-inventing my blog... because, after all, life is about moving through, and going forward...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What IS this foreign land....

Dad is still looking for the foreign land he is suppose to be in...Mom and my sister went to visit Dad today at the psych ward. They found him wandering the halls. They took him out to the patio and my sister called our brother who lives in Ohio. She said Dad came alive and made more sense talking with him.

Dad's right eye is all goopy sister got a doctor to look at it. He thought Dad had an eye infection and will prescribe some eye drops. It sounds like Dad is losing his spunk...I think it is those damn anti-depressants. How can he have Alzheimer's, be on Alzheimer medication AND anti-depressants??? I am going to look into that. I just don't like the way his voice sounds. It sounds so weird...

Dad keeps talking about this foreign land... somewhere he wants to go...I wonder if he means heaven? Dad is looking so weak and frail...he weighs 110 pounds. My Lord, he is literally wasting away! Are we ever going to get him OUT OF THERE!!???

Thank God Dad still knows who we are...I can't imagine going into that hell hole and having Dad not even recognize us...we can't feel we are deserting him when we finish a visit and walk out of that place...knowing Dad can't.

My step-son is visiting and I am trying so hard to put a smile on my face and stay connected. I feel like my body is here...but my heart and mind are in California wanting to be with my Dad, Mom, sister and brothers...

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