This blog was formerly dedicated in 2009 to my Dad who died of Alzheimer's in 2013. It's been three years now...and I find myself missing I am re-inventing my blog... because, after all, life is about moving through, and going forward...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gotta get Dad outta there....

We gotta get Dad outta there! My Mom and Sister went to visit Dad tonight and my sister thought Dad looked "homeless". His hair was long and untidy, he had about 5 days growth and we are so used to seeing him look neat and squared away. Dad recognized her, but he made absolutely no sense when she talked with him. She gave him an anniversary card and he looked at it with a blank stare as if he had no clue he had been married to Mom for 64 years.

Mom helped Dad with his hearty dinner, cutting up his peaches and green beans. Dad woofed down the spaghetti, veggie stew, and cake for dessert. His appetite has returned... or maybe he just likes the psych ward's food better.

I called the Social Worker this morning about Dad's lost glasses. She asked me if Mom had told me that the glasses were not lost, Dad had given them away. Apparently, Dad told Mom he gave them to someone who needed them more than he did. I really don't think Dad can focus or concentrate on reading to understand what he is reading. He used to read the Bible every day.

I agree with my Sister, I am beginning to think the medication is NOT helping Dad. I am going to call the Social Worker again and ask her to explain what the Psychiatrist is doing or trying to accomplish with Dad. I have decided I'd rather talk to his associate. Mom said he actually talked with her and showed concern for Dad. That's more than I can say for the lead Psychiatrist...

Talk about feeling totally helpless. My sister says Dad, as we know him, is fading away and she hardly recognizes him anymore. She told me to prepare myself for a shock when I see him next week.

I also want to find out when Dad will return to Garden View. He needs a hair cut. Again, so much of this is sadly familiar. My Mother in Law was an immaculate woman who was always stylishly dressed and perfectly accessorized. When she had Alzheimer's, she used to wear the same clothes every day. I think she used to sleep in her clothes. When I would suggest another outfit, she would insist she just washed and ironed what she had on. She was not even allowed to have an iron, let alone the ability to wash her clothes.

This is just too sad...

My two precious daughters left this morning at 5:45 am and arrived in California by 9:40am. That was the fastest, most fun, five days, I have had in a long while. It was so very good to spend that time with them. My step-son arrives on Thursday... some thing else to look forward to...

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