This blog was formerly dedicated in 2009 to my Dad who died of Alzheimer's in 2013. It's been three years now...and I find myself missing I am re-inventing my blog... because, after all, life is about moving through, and going forward...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Another step in the right direction...

Went for a long walk with Izzy this morning and ran into my neighbor and friend with her dog.  Both of our dogs are rescues.  The first time they met it was a high pitched bark feast complete with they sniff, paw and play with one another.  They pranced along as my girlfriend walked behind talking.

I took a chance and let Izzy be loose in the house, instead of in her crate.  I went to pick up my new glasses and ran some errands.  I was gone almost three hours.  When I opened the front door, she had just come in from the back yard through the doggy door.  The house was as I left it.  She ran to me and jumped on me with exuberance.  I am so very proud of her!

I began to prepare all the paperwork for our Reverse Mortgage application.  My husband called from work and told me he was on his way to pick me up.  Our appointment was at 5pm.  We signed an inch thick pile of papers, ordered our appraisal and paid for it.  The Appraisal is our next step.  I leave for California on the 6th, so hopefully we can get it done before I leave....otherwise, my husband will have to make sure the appraiser knows all our upgrades and improvements.

Step by step we are getting closer to my husband retiring... we talked at dinner of how fast the time is flying.  This year is almost half over!


Wander to the Wayside said...

Things are looking up! And I'm so proud of Izzy - that's a big step, to be able to trust them alone in the house for long periods. And I think her being able to get outside is a key factor to avoid that bored thing that happens!

Jeanie said...

Yea for Izzy! Your tone about the reverse mortage sounds positive, but maybe still a little hesitant. What they say about time going faster the older you get is trite, but true.

betty said...

proud of Izzy! I'm sure that is a big accomplishment; she must be getting more comfortable around you and her house!
