This blog was formerly dedicated in 2009 to my Dad who died of Alzheimer's in 2013. It's been three years now...and I find myself missing I am re-inventing my blog... because, after all, life is about moving through, and going forward...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How To Measure the Value of a Life...

My brother E____ and his new iPad went to visit Dad today.  My brother arrived just after lunch and found Dad sitting in his wheel chair in the hallway in front of the nurses station.  E_____ stood about 15 feet from Dad, and kept inching closer to see how close he would have to be before Dad would notice him.  When he was about five feet from Dad, Dad erupted in a joyful recognition, reaching up to grab my brother in a big bear hug.

E____ wheeled Dad out on the patio and showed him pictures on his iPad.  Dad loved seeing my brother's dogs and places he had traveled.

My brother reported how bad Dad's eye looks.  Dad carries a towel to wipe his eye which is always weeping.

Dad told E____ he needed to discuss something with him and of course my brother was all ears and eager to hear what was on Dad's mind...

"Son, how do I measure my life's worth with the world?"

"Dad, you don't need to worry about the is how much you are loved and respected by your family.  It is all about family and friends, Dad..."

"But how do I measure my value..."

"Dad, we love you.  You were the best you could be.  Your life matters to us."

"How much money am  I worth?"

"Hey, are priceless. You are a very rich man....but you cannot take it with you.  Did you ever see a cargo rack on top of a hearse?  You can't take gold, silver and stuff to Heaven with you..."

Smiling, "Yeah, that is a good way to look at it...."

"It is all about what is inside your heart and soul Dad... You are in good shape..."

Their conversation pleased Dad and the relief of it made Dad sleepy.  He told E____ he was ready to go inside...

"You ready for a little siesta Dad?"

"That sounds like just what I need...."

My brother wheeled Dad back to his room, signaling Dad's attendant for the day, who tucked Dad all cozy in his bed.  E_____ leaned over and gave Dad a hug and a kiss, wishing him sweet dreams...


Linda O'Connell said...

Those sweet reassurances made me cry.

Mari said...

Aww- what a priceless conversation. Your Dad truly is a wealthy man.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Your brother is very wise.

betty said...

Interesting insight your dad was thinking about Donna. I'm glad that your brother was there to help him work through his thoughts and to rely to your dad that his value/worth is so much more than "riches and gold" and that he has and will leave a legacy.....


Sultan said...

Fine post.

S K Ditta said...

It warms my heart to see, how your dad is honored. Your dad asks some difficult questions, and there is no better answer than to reassure him of your love. Thank you for sharing this family conversation. All of you, take care!