This blog was formerly dedicated in 2009 to my Dad who died of Alzheimer's in 2013. It's been three years now...and I find myself missing I am re-inventing my blog... because, after all, life is about moving through, and going forward...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Magic In A Phone Call...

            My youngest daughter with her son

Tonight, my youngest daughter called me and in a low voice she whispered to listen and not talk.  I could hear my youngest grand son babbling and trying to laugh.  Cooing and squealing and obviously wanting to tell his Mom about his day...

My daughter had to return to work two days ago.  Thankfully, her boyfriend and his Mother have been caring for him while she works 8am to 5pm. They no longer have days off together, choosing to take their days off to care for their son instead. Some days he works from home with his Mom helping with the baby. I wish I could be closer to help out too. My daughter used to stay later and spend a lot of extra time at her job.  Now a days, she comes home straight from work because she can't wait to greet her precious little boy...

My wish for her would be, one day, she would not have to work, so she could spend the day with him... but these are very difficult financial times, and she must do what she must do to help her man and family.

My prayer is for every family going through difficult financial times, to remember to stay very close to one's family & friends, keep the faith, and despite the challenges, hope for the best and remember all your blessings.

Sweet dreams little tiger...cozy, are so blessed to have the Mommy and Daddy, Aunties and Uncles, Cousins, Grandmas and Grandpas you have...I love you!!


Mari said...

Oh my word! He is just so adorable! I would want to hurry home from work for him too. :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

He's just so darn cute!

betty said...

he is so cute! I'm glad you got to hear him babble; such a wonderful sound to hear them "talk". I feel for your daughter, such a hard choice so many have to make these days, do they postpone having kids hoping the economy will get better or do they take the plunge knowing they'll have to go back to work? It is a hard dilemma on what to do. I think they are trying to do the best they can with what they have to work with and wish them the best with it!


Darlene said...

He is absolutely adorable. You are so blessed to have what seems to be an absolutely wonderful family and family is what it is all about. Enjoy your holiday in CA.

Southhamsdarling said...

Beautiful words and what a gorgeous little boy!! We are so blessed to have healthy grandchildren. I have a 13 year old granddaughter, a lovely little grandson, aged 2 and another beautiful granddaughter, aged 11 months. Definitely going to follow this Blog!

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad that you got to have a "chat" with that precious little guy and I hope you get to have a good face to face with him very soon.
I remember how very hard it was for my daughters when they had to go back to work after their first baby.

Pat said...

Gosh he's a cutie.

That's one of the most difficult things....going back to work and leaving your baby.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness he is a doll and your daughter is so pretty!

gayle said...

He is so cute! That was so sweet of your daughter to call you and let you listen to him.