Got a triple whammy today....
The nursing home called this morning to inform me Dad's Psychiatrist took Dad off the Lexapro again!!! I kind of raised my voice, getting upset....but the nurse assured me because Dad is on two anti-depressants, he should be just fine with the Remeran. I asked if she told the doctor we had requested Dad to be left on the medication and she told me she did, but that the doctor had responded he wants to take care of Dad too. We will see...She told me they would be monitoring Dad closely...yeah, right, that's what they said the last time...
Mom called to tell me the results of his appointment with the lady Opthamologist. She confirmed Dad has a basal cell carcinoma on his eyelid. She asked his age and told Mom she would recommend the nursing home putting Artificial Tears in his eyes every four hours and did not recommend any aggressive treatments. She was satisfied his cornea was healthy and asked to see him again in six months. Apparently she mentioned the word, biopsy, and Dad's comment was...
Mom was a basket case...she leaves today for a church retreat and had not eaten anything....I didn't press her for details and told her to have a nice lunch with her friends, a safe drive down to the beach and to have a blessed and relaxing weekend....
She assured me Dad was cooperative, he seemed very tired and nodded off during the long wait in the waiting room...
I could hear the stress in Mom's voice, so I did not have the heart to tell her about Dad being taken off the Lexapro...I want her to have a nice weekend...If Dad acts out and calls her, Mom will call and let me know when she gets home on Sunday and has nasty phone calls from Dad....then, I will tell her.
The wound care nurse called to tell me Dad will be on antibiotics for ten days...the other day she told me the lab tests were negative for infection in Dad's swollen, red, left, pinkie, she says the doctor told her there IS infection, hence the antibiotics....
My elbow still has a dull ache...feels like I bruised my "funny bone" (and it ain't funny!) and I feel a twinge of discomfort when I lift a pot or plate, shift in the car, or attempt to serve myself a portion of food or cut my is annoying having to use my less dominant hand... I thought if I ignored it, it would go away...but it is not I may have to break down and follow up with my doctor...
Thank you everyone so much for all your wonderful support and prayers...
Have a great weekend.
I am praying that your mom is relaxing and being surrounded by friends and lots of laughter. It's got to be so hard not to allow the stress and worry to wear you down. There is lots going on but it does sound like your dad is being wonderfully cared for.
I hope the doctor is right and that the one anti-depressent will be enough. I know it is hard for you to be so far away when there is so much of this kind of stuff going on.
It sounds like your elbow may need something more than not being used to heal. Please take care of yourself.
Sounds like a good plan for the eye.
I don't know how the rules are for California, but in Michigan we have to do regular reductions on anti-depressants and psych meds. It's very frustrating! We have a lot of people on Remeron and Lexapro. Remeron in good for appetite stimulation, not so good for depression though. I hope he does ok without the Lexapro, but I'm not feeling too good about it.
Oh, no. I will NEVER miss reading your blog for so long again.
This lexapro thing must be getting so OLD by now. You didn't say how your elbow is in your latest entry. Will you let us know next entry please?
Others have covered all bases in their comments. You are always in my prayers, Donna. It's a given. But I don't want to fall so far behind again.
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