This blog was formerly dedicated in 2009 to my Dad who died of Alzheimer's in 2013. It's been three years now...and I find myself missing I am re-inventing my blog... because, after all, life is about moving through, and going forward...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Some Days...

I called Dad yesterday... he was sitting in bed, watching "a good movie" and eating his lunch.  He knew who I was, but our conversation was bizarre.  The only positive was him telling me, "I got love."  Nothing else he said made any sense.

He probably was attempting to tell me about the movie... some days, it is just very frightening and disturbing.  It makes me miss the Dad I used to have... some days,  I have to work at not allowing, the fact he has to live in a nursing home, to take me to a dark place...

I love you Dad, so much... and I miss you....


Linda O'Connell said...

I know. But he has Dr. Dr. and others who care.

Jeanie said...

As much as you miss him and who he used to be I think you can take some comfort in the fact that he seems very happy.

MountainBlessings said...

Hi Donna, I know very well what you are going through. My mom, her diagnosis is final stages of dementia and congestive heart disease. She is only 74 yrs old. But I feel I really understand, my mom is in Oklahoma and I am in Arizona, it is so hard to be so many miles away. When I call and when I visited last she did not know me, it was heart breaking. She would have these expressions as if she knew me but it would quickly fade away or cause her great confusion. So I don't call anymore and have accepted my next visit she will have no idea who I am. My brother when he goes to visit he calls me and will share pics over the phone. She still seems to recognize him, he is the only one out of five children.

It seems so unfair how the mind is gone so much sooner than the body. And so very hard to look into someones face who you loved & loved you no matter what and there is a blank stare. You want those eyes to know you and reassure you everything is ok.

I am very thankfull your dad knows you and is still able to communicate.

Blessings to you and your family.

gayle said...

I can not even begin to understand how hard this must be on you and your family. We are starting to go through a little of this with my husband's mom. Take care Donna.
I will be in and out for awhile. My little Bryson is going to have surgery on his head in two weeks. Hopefully I can get a post up about it. It's something that I have a hard time thinking about so I guess I'm just putting it out. If you would say a little prayer for him on 9/12.